What is the purpose of Collector's Corner?
Whenever I'm contacted by fellow Bond collectors who've visited this site I'm always interested in their own collections. I really enjoy understanding when and why they started collecting, and what they actually collect. I'm sure I don't need to explain this as by reading this you're probably a collector yourself, but because of the multitude of items available collectors often gather more than just Bond books. Sometimes people send me photos of their collections, other times I request them.
That's the purpose of this section of the website, to display a small part of other people's collections. The excellent blog Spyvibe contains a regular section named "For Your Shelf Only". My goal isn't to compete with this website but rather complement it and offer another site where collectors can send their photos, add some text and proudly promote their own collections for all to see.
I wouldn't normally display the collector's country of origin as I like the equality of the web. But in this case the country is relevant because it explains why some items in a collection might have been easy to find, while others more difficult, especially before the web became more accessible.
So if you'd like to participate in this section of the website it's very simple. Just send an email containing (at most) 15 photos of your Bond collection and answer the following three questions:
1) When/why did you start your James Bond collection?
2) What books do you collect? and
3) What is the "holy grail" of your Bond collecting?
To see the first participant of Collector's Corner please click the Next button at the top of this screen.
Note: I've improved the way the images are displayed with a Previous and Next button. But the image quality may need to be reduced for speed and space reasons and occasionally the images don't display correctly so just press the refresh button (F5).